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The Ultimate Guide to a Christian Elopement Wedding

Writer's picture: Krystal ShuhytaKrystal Shuhyta

Are you and your fiancé excited to start planning your special day but feel that a big traditional wedding doesn't quite match your vision? Do you dream of an intimate and personal ceremony that reflects not only your love for each other but also your shared devotion to Jesus Christ? If so, then you've come to the right place! Welcome to "The Ultimate Guide to a Christian Elopement Wedding."

Bride and groom celebrate under a floral arch in a brick-walled venue. Guests in formal attire applaud. Chandelier overhead, joyous mood.

This guide will help you reimagine your wedding possibilities and explore how a Christian elopement might be the perfect way to celebrate your special day. In this blog, we’ll explore the modern concept of elopement weddings, discuss their growing popularity, and provide seven meaningful ideas to honour God on your big day.

Whether you're unsure if a Christian elopement is the right choice for you or looking for inspiration to enrich your wedding plans, join us as we navigate the journey to deeply meaningful Christian elopement weddings.

What Is an Elopement?

Understanding elopement weddings begins by recognizing that they have two definitions: traditional and modern.

Traditional Definition of Elopement

Traditionally, elopements are described as scandalous and socially unacceptable weddings, where couples fled to marry in secret. Although the circumstances varied, these weddings typically emerged when the bride and groom faced opposition or obstacles in their path to marriage. Two of the most common examples of this included parental disapproval and existing marriages. While these situations did take place and may still happen on occasion today, they don't reflect the modern meaning of elopement and, in fact, strip away the true beauty of these intimate celebrations.

Modern Definition of Elopement

So, if that’s what it meant to elope in the past, what does it mean today? Our favourite modern definition of elopement at Fly Free Photography comes from our friends at Adventure Instead. They define elopement as "an intentionally small, intimate, meaningful, and authentic wedding experience that is a true reflection of your relationship, where the focus of the day is really about the two of you." We love this definition because it truly captures the romantic, personal, and emotional qualities that make elopements so special for couples and us as stewards of the divine gift of marriage.

Why Are Elopements Becoming More Popular?

Lately, it seems that more and more couples are opting for elopements rather than traditional weddings. From our experience, two reasons, in particular, are driving this rising trend— mainly affordability and mental well-being.

Elopements Offer a Budget-Friendly Alternative to Traditional Weddings

Let's face it, traditional weddings can be expensive. The Knot’s 2023 Global Wedding Report estimates that the average Canadian wedding costs just over $25,000! Considering rising expenses and the average household income in Canada, many young couples simply can’t afford to spend a quarter of their annual salary on a grand-scale wedding.

While we deeply value our partner vendors within the Calgary wedding industry and across Alberta, we believe in creating beautiful wedding experiences for couples of all budgets. With our all-inclusive elopement packages, couples can spend up to five times less on their special day, allowing them to enjoy their celebration without the financial strain.

Bride and groom in white stands in calm lake, surrounded by misty mountains. Mood is tranquil; water is a serene turquoise against rocky shore.

Elopements Offer Less Stress Compared to Traditional Weddings

The second reason why elopements are seemingly on the rise is that planning a traditional wedding can be mentally exhausting. This is especially true when you don't have the help and expertise of a Wedding Planner or Day-of Wedding Coordinator (DoC). From vendor selection and decoration planning to curating the guest list, weddings can be overwhelming for even the most prepared couples. With 1 in 5 Canadians experiencing mental illness, it's important to remember that your wedding day shouldn't be a source of stress and anxiety. After all, it's meant to be a celebration of your love and commitment to one another. By choosing to elope, couples benefit from a more relaxed and intimate wedding experience, minimizing pressure and maximizing the creation of unforgettable memories.

What Does the Bible Say about Eloping and Is Eloping a Sin?

The Holy God-breathed scriptures are an amazing tool to help Christians navigate the challenges of life. Although there are many topics the Bible doesn’t speak to explicitly, there is much that can be interpreted and applied to help us stay in step with the Spirit. When it comes to the modern definition of elopement, there are no passages in the Bible that reference it or suggest it to be sinful. However, we still encourage all couples contemplating this decision to seek God's guidance and trust Him to lead them down the path of righteousness. As for traditional elopements that are intended to bypass parental consent or to escape an existing marriage, the Bible addresses this in the following two verses:

  • Exodus 20: 12 — “Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”

  • Hebrews 13: 4 — “Let marriage be held in honour among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.”

7 Meaningful Christian Elopement Wedding Ideas to Honour God on Your Big Day

With all this in mind, here are seven Christian elopement wedding ideas to honour God on your special day:

1. Invite a Pastor to Officiate Your Wedding

Opting for the intimacy of an elopement doesn’t exclude you from having a pastor officiate your ceremony. Whether you prefer the presence of your home church pastor or you’re open to exploring Fly Free Photography recommendations, pastoral elopements provide a meaningful way to incorporate Jesus into your celebration. With their profound spiritual wisdom and devoted love for God, pastors are a tremendous option for infusing your ceremony with blessings and reverence.

2. Celebrate Christ’s Sacrifice by Taking Part in the Lord’s Supper

In 1 Corinthians 11:23-25, the Apostle Paul shares his account of the Lord’s Supper with the people of Corinth, writing “For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread,  and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.’  In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me’.” As you can see, this Bible passage emphasizes the importance of the Lord’s Supper (also known as Communion) as a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. Including this sacred tradition in your wedding day invites God’s presence, reminds us of His love for His creation, and celebrates the restoration of our relationship with the Father through His son Jesus.

3. Praise God through a Time of Worship

For many Christians, worshipping God through song is an uplifting experience and a heartwarming way to connect with the Creator. Incorporating a time of worship into your elopement is great for intentionally grounding yourselves in the moment and opening your heart to hear what God has to say. Together with your partner, consider selecting 1-3 of your favourite worship songs to play at the beginning of your elopement ceremony or wherever feels natural for you, and enjoy this moment of closeness with God and each other.

4. Join Together for an Intimate Moment of Prayer

Many have heard of the “first touch” or “first look,” but have you ever considered a “first prayer”? Praying together is a wonderful spiritual practice to carry forward throughout your marriage and is a unique opportunity to calm your nerves and connect with God before your ceremony. During your prayer time, you may want to express your heartfelt gratitude for the day, the love you share, and the journey that has led you to this moment. You may also consider asking God to bless your wedding day, your marriage, and the new life you’re starting together. This can also be something your Pastor does at the start of the ceremony.

5. Commemorate Your Union with the Tying of Three Cords 

The tying of three cords is a powerful and symbolic gesture for Christians, that serves to remind couples of three essential aspects of marriage:

  1. Strength in Unity: As King Solomon describes in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, "A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Through the tying of cords, couples are reminded that united together they stand stronger and more resilient compared to when they are apart.

  2. Divine Partnership: Symbolizing you, your spouse, and God, the three cords signify the sacred covenant you've entered together and emphasize the importance of each role in creating a successful and fulfilling marriage.

  3. Becoming One: As described by the Apostle Mark in Mark 10:7-9, marriage transforms two individuals into one unified being. The tying of the cords represents this profound union and the spiritual significance of your commitment.

6. Meditate on the Word of God with Bible Scripture Reading

In Psalms 1:1-3 the psalmist writes “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” This scripture calls us as Christians to turn from evil and instead draw near to God, meditating on His words daily so Christ may use us to bring light into the darkness. Much like the worship time discussed in #3, consider selecting 1-3 passages of scripture with your partner and meditate on these during your elopement ceremony, intentionally creating space for God to speak.

7. Incorporate the Sacred Practice of Feet Washing

The act of washing another’s feet is a beautiful and meaningful practice that holds deep spiritual significance for Christians. As Jesus explains in John 13:14-15, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.” While Jesus doesn’t elaborate on the meaning of this practice, we believe it serves to demonstrate two things.  Firstly, it symbolizes the sacrifice Jesus made in laying down His life to wash away our sins. Secondly, it reminds us that we are called to a life of servitude, honouring God by following Jesus’ example. By including this practice in your elopement ceremony, you remember Jesus’ death, reaffirm your devotion to following His teachings, and proclaim your commitment to serve and love your spouse as Christ has loved you.

A couple stands on a rustic path, the man in a green suit and the woman in a white dress holding flowers. Trees and fields in the background.

Calgary Wedding Photographers

I hope that reading this blog gave you as much joy as it gave me writing it. I love being able to share both God’s word and His gift of marriage with you and I pray that this would help you as you navigate your wedding planning. Speaking of which… If you need help planning your Christian elopement wedding or want more information on our packages, feel free to get in touch. I would so love to help you make your dream wedding come true!

Till next time friends, 

Xo Krystal

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